Not so Long A Letter

Author: Priscilla Oboh

Dear friend,

I want to imagine your holiday was neither too fun nor too boring

Either you were working long hours, or taking LONG power naps.

Maybe you were running a business or running errands (DHL in the making 😉 )

On the contrary, you may have been the special breed that breathes purified meta air scented with premium gist on the golden streets of social media.

Or maybe even, you weren't doing anything worthwhile - kasunkaji enterprises (sorry if you don't understand Yoruba)

Whatever category you fall into, I greet you specially 🧎

Before we continue, let me introduce myself…

My name is Priscilla but a lot of people call me President.

I was brought and bundled up in the heat of Mass Communication Students Association elections (I guess that’s where the nickname came from).

Recently, I entered into a relationship (I don’t want to see a “SINGLE” stare) with a very endearing lady which, by the way, might end up the best I have ever been in

She’s got over 1000 adult children but I love her children just as much as I love her (if not more)

I hope they love me too 🤞


My sincerest apologies for not writing to you all these while. I mean… We're in week 4 already!

Please, forgive me

That being said,

Let’s get to why I’m writing to you, Dear friend

If, in the process of paying your fees, you encounter any issues and the money hangs, inform me immediately via Telegram (08090722134) or inform any other MCSA Exco.

Will we resume physical classes anytime soon? The chances are 1/10 for this first semester. The probability of 1 is only because we may write exams physically.

About the online class issues, we have heard about all that’s been happening. We recently sent out a feedback form for your class reps to fill on your behalf. Kindly do me a favor, help me remind them to make complaints on your behalf by filling the form today.

Won't lie, I personally look forward to physical resumption and one of the reasons is because I want you to see the changes my team (The Sage Council) is implementing. Some of which include:

  • Repainting the rusted barricades and railings in the department.

  • Introducing a physical MCSA office.

  • Introducing ID cards for every MCSAite and LIS student.

  • Renovating the toilets.

For change 1, we’re 100% done - Thanks to the generous contributions of MCSA 24/25 Excos and the volunteer painters ❤️🙏🏽

Change 2 has also commenced and we’re super excited about it cause hmmmmm, somebody say hmmmmm…

Ezz nor easy to be the President with an office 😌


Change 3 is a safety measure re-introduced by our HoD, Prof Oloruntola Sunday.

I say re-introduced because,

Once upon a time, our beloved department had special press cards that every MCSAite wore around for identification. It gave access to classrooms, restrooms, labs, and everywhere else in the department.

Owing to the frequent reports of non-MCSAites/LIS students causing noise, destruction, and even thefts in our department, the HoD has mandated that we bring back the MCSA ID Card.

My administration agreed to this, also because our department is almost done transitioning into a faculty.

This means more students and most importantly… increased security concerns

As we transition into a faculty, it’s the best time to ensure we get things right and make everywhere conducive for everyone

Also, the ID cards will eliminate the issue of holding paper MCSA receipts that are easily torn or lost.

In essence, our ID cards will be our new MCSA dues receipt.

Now I know that the question on your mind is - “Will we design a card for everyone?”

Yes! and it’ll have your picture too.

Beautiful, right? 😍 

When will you get the cards? Once you pay your MCSA Dues and upload the receipts here

MCSA Dues for Staylites: 3,000 Naira.

MCSA Dues for Freshers: 6,000 Naira

A/C details - 9020010074 OPay Boluwatise O-Oluyomi

Now to Change 4.

Since I joined MCSA in year 1, every election period’s most asked question was “What will you do about the toilet?” and the hot answer has always been,

“It is beyond us, and there is nothing we can do”

Dear friend!,

After 5 solid years of what words cannot describe…

We have finally gotten the necessary permission to fix the toilet, to find a solution to this plague 🥹

Ha-lle-lu-jah somebody?

Quite unfortunately, I’ve only heard hallelujahs among the Excos and Class Reps, every other person seems to be mumbling the hallelujah.

Let’s talk, what’s the issue?

I heard you don’t understand why we’re doing it ourselves.

Truth be told, it’ll be a great relief if the cost of fixing the toilets is taken off our shoulders…

So I and my council have reached out to brands and individuals to support us.

If you have an African mother,

She must have shown you what it means to say “No one can care for a woman's home better than herself”

That’s the truth of our situation right now.

While we hope that voluntary donations come from outside, only we know the best way to tend to our affairs.

We do not want to rule out the voluntary donations that we can give to make our department better and conducive for ourselves.

Your class reps must have told you that it is 100% voluntary and we’ll be entirely transparent with the whole process…

Infact, we’ll share a weekly progress report.

Dear friend, please join us in giving our sanitary facilities a facelift.

No one can understand the disgust and embarrassment we feel whenever we use the toilets better than us. No one!

We are Mass Communicators, the BIG ones too🤌

Let us write our names in history together, and make this project a success.

Indeed, I am pleading with you 🙏🏽

Soon… We would start publicity for the voluntary contributions. Kindly be on the look out and contribute whatever you can 🙏🏽


We have come to the end of my letter… the not so long letter


One more good news before we go…



Drumrolls 🥁🥁🥁

MCSA Tshirts are back and better than ever.

Beautiful Colors? ✅

(We’ve got White, Black, Navy Blue, Purple, and Wine)

Catchy Texts? ✅ 

(You won’t believe the amount of Mass Comm RIZZ you can select from)

Quality? Absolutely! ✅

Pre-order for the shirts will start on the 30th of November. Be on the watch 🫵

Thanks for reading through! 😌❤️

Small paper and pen that Seyi left for me, I almost wrote a book 😂 

Till next time always remember…

With our collective efforts, a Future-Ready MCSA is POssible.

Priscilla. O